Harnesses or Collars? The insight.
The dog collar. Archaeologists believe that it dates all the way back to 5000BC, being first introduced by the ancient Egyptians for decorative purposes, although researchers say that the ancient Greeks were the ones to give the accessory the purpose it has today.
Read more about the history of the dog collar here.
However, as the usage of dog harnesses becomes increasingly popular, a question lingers in the air... which is better?
Harnesses started becoming more popular in the 1990’s as a result of campaigning by animal rights activists. A harness puts less stress on a dog’s neck than a collar. As one critic of dog collars said:
“We call dogs ‘man’s best friend’, and then we drag them by their neck? It doesn’t make sense"
But are harnesses really better for dogs than a collar? Well a study performed by the Animal Behaviour and Welfare Research Group in Gloucestershire shows that there is no significant difference to the dog between wearing a collar and a harness. In 2016, 30 dogs between the ages of 18 months and 11 years were taken on a 20 minute walk. 15 on a collar, 15 on a harness. A week later, the same test was repeated, and the two groups swapped walking apparatuses. Behavioural indicators recorded no significant differences in the dogs; however, that's not to say that one is just as good as the other. Read the entire study here
"Its useful for dog owners and trainers to know that neither restraint seems to compromise dog welfare when they're thinking about what kind to buy or recommend"
When choosing between using a collar or harness, your dogs
breed must be taken into consideration. Collars are common, but there is concern over them possibly causing damage to the neck and tracheal or even worsening existing eye conditions. This is especially in the case of dogs that pull, breeds with slim and/or delicate necks; a harness might be better suited for their needs.
There are a multitude of different harnesses to choose from if that's the route you decide to go down, and so the next step is figuring out what harness might be best for your dog.
At Slickers, we offer a variety of different harnesses to suit the needs of every dog. All harnesses evenly distribute the load across your dog’s chest and around the sides allowing your dog to feel unrestricted and free, all without pulling against the throat.
Take the quiz below to get an insight on which harness might suit your dog best, or alternatively send us a message/comment below for some advice.